"Reverse Logistics is an instrument of economic and social development characterized by a set of actions, procedures and means intended to enable the collection and return of solid residue to the manufacturer, for reuse, in its cycle, in other production cycles, or another environmentally suitable final destination.” (SINIR -Ministry of the Environment). Recommended by Law 12.305/2010 of solid residue management.
In practical terms, reverse logistics main objective is to reduce environmental pollution and wasted inputs, as well as the reuse and recycling of products. (SHIBAO, 2010).
Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) is a chemically inert, non-toxic gas that has excellent electrical insulation characteristics. Due to these properties, this gas is widely used by the electrical sector in various equipment such as circuit breakers, disconnect switches, transformers, etc.
During its use, the SF6 undergoes different electrical stresses, depending on the equipment considered. When it is necessary to perform maintenance on the equipment where the gas is installed, it must be removed and replaced with a new load. The removed gas must be properly disposed of since SF6 is a greenhouse gas, listed in the Paris Agreement (replacement of the Kyoto Protocol).
The disposal of this product, if carried out through incineration, leads to the formation of Hydrofluoric Acid and Sulfur Oxides, compounds that are just as harmful to the environment as SF6 itself. Therefore, the best destination for this important industrial input is recycling.
The recycling process to be installed by SF6 Serviços consists of removing moisture, air, and decomposition products from used gas through purification techniques.
The sulfur hexafluoride supplied by SF6 Serviços has a quality certificate and meets the ABNT and IEC quality standards. According to ABNT and IEC standards, the minimum purity level accepted for SF6 is 99 %. SF6 Serviços has a reference purification system on the market, in this way we are able to achieve 99.9% purity in our SF6 gas.
Bibliographic References:
- SHIBAO, F. Y.; MOORI, R. G.; SANTOS, M. R. A Logística Reversa e a Sustentabilidade Empresarial. XIII SEMEAD – Seminários em Administração. Setembro, 2010 (ISSSN 2177-3866).